

Quito, Ecuador
 This post is SO long overdue! Two weeks ago I created a post about my opportunity to go to Ecuador, which you can read about here. 

A little over a week ago, Wednesday the 9th, I received an e-mail of my acceptance to go on the trip!

(This is the part where I get up and begin to jump up and down and squeal at high decibels and smile until my cheeks begin to hurt really bad).

In other words, I am SO excited! God has been so good and I know full well that He wants me to go to Ecuador! I can't even describe how excited and blessed I feel, that God would allow me to do this and how He is saying YES, YES, YES! It's extremely incredible and I know God is going to teach me amazing things through this mission trip!

Now begins the long checklist of making sure I have everything: a passport, plane tickets, not to mention the cost of the trip completely! I do have faith though that God will get me to Ecuador and nothing, not even money can stand in His way. :)

Please, PLEASE, pray for me and for Ecuador! If you're reading this, take just a few seconds if you can to pray for my trip, that God will provide the means necessary for me to go, the experience, the people there, etc! Thank you! :)

Soli Deo Gloria!


  1. YAYAYAYAYAY!!!! I am SO excited for you! Yay Rachel! Woot Woot! God is so awesome! =D

  2. Awww! Reading this comment made me smile really big... thank you Heather! :) I'm so excited too!
    YES, God is incredible! I agree!

    Thank you so much for all of your prayers about it... it means so much to me. :)



Please leave me your thoughts, I love to read them! :)

If you would like to contact me directly, then feel free to email me at: beautifullyselfless@yahoo.com