Have you forgotten? I know some people have, actually a lot of people.
Why do we forget? Why do we forget something so powerful, so beautiful?
I feel like so many people either take the Gospel for granted or they underestimate it. Why?
Have we forgotten the freedom and the power in knowing Jesus? We say we believe Him, we say we trust in Him, but do our actions match up?
Why are we living in fear?
Why are we living in sin?
Why are we living in pain?
Why are we letting the world bog us down when we have Jesus to lift us up?
Jesus didn't die so we can stay the same, He died so that we may be changed, that we may be free.
So often we make His suffering on the cross a joke, we don't appreciate the gravity of the situation.
Jesus died, He DIED! He died so we could be free, He died so we can find and know real joy, that we may have hope and true life.
So often we live as if that's just a story in the Bible, or some nice sounding concept or idea.
But it's not just some story and it's not just some concept or thing that happened.
It's truth! It's power! It's beautiful!
We get upset when we feel like God isn't listening to us, or that we're stuck in some dismaying predicament. We expect God to act yet we have zero faith in Him! Where has our faith gone? Where did our trust disappear to? How can we be so double minded?
Friends, fellow followers of Jesus, do you REALLY believe what Jesus says? Do you REALLY trust in His promises? In His truth? In His steadfast love? In His unchanging ways?
Or are you underestimating who He says He is? Are you doubting the God who created you, who knows you better than you know yourself, the God that would die for you, even while you hated Him?
Please don't forget. Please don't forget the power that comes through Jesus when knowing Him.
If you're stuck in sin, through Jesus you can get out! You can have the strength to overcome! (1 Corinthians 10:13)
If you're trapped by fear, through Jesus you can get out! Jesus is our Perfect Love and He can take away that fear and replace it with power, love and discipline.(2 Timothy 1:7)
If you're overwhelmed with guilt, and you feel you cannot be made new - you are wrong! Jesus died so the old self could be done away with and that we could live in the freedom of that.(2 Corinthians 5:17)
If you're confused, sad, hurting, even if your heart is broken, Jesus is the answer. (Romans 8:28, Psalm 34:18, Psalm 55:22, 2 Corinthians 12:9-10)
Jesus suffered all things, He suffered through ALL things! He took our place, He took all the weight of the world upon His shoulders. He is victorious! Oh! How greatly I desire for you to know and understand this truth, Jesus is alive. Jesus is working! He is not dead, He was not just active in the Bible, but He is today.
O Christian, why so little faith?
He can do incredible things, He still does incredible things! But you need to trust Him.
If you just trusted Him, what could He do with you? Where could you go? What could He use you for?
I refuse to believe that my God is weak, that He is dead, or that He cannot work through tough situations. Come on people! It's God we're talking about! Don't water down the power of God. Who would want a God who was weak, who couldn't save us, anyway? Surely not I. Could He even be called God then?
I've tasted the goodness of my Lord, and I know that He is faithful, that He is incomparable.
I'm never going back to "ok", I've had enough of having little faith, and a doubting mind.
I am going to take the "risk" and really believe and trust in the words of God! I am going to know that God can take any situation in my life, any problem, any uncertainty or pain, and use it for something glorious. Rise up Christians, and have faith in the God that died for you, that is still working and alive today!
He is the God that protected Noah in the flood, the same God that parted the Red Sea. He is the same God who enabled David to defeat Goliath, and protected Daniel in the lion's den. Yeah! That's the God I want to believe in, trust in, have faith in and know! Not a weak, wavering, God like we make Him out to be. So what is God to you? All powerful, sovereign, righteous and holy? I sure hope so.
By the way, Happy Easter!
Christ is risen... He conquered the grave... He is my King. Is He yours?