Not too long ago I finished reading Exodus, and if you've ever read Exodus, you should know that there is an extensive amount of chapters about the Tabernacle (15 to be exact, beginning at Exodus chapter 25 and ending at the last chapter (40) of Exodus).
The Tabernacle (in Hebrew it is translated as "residence" or "dwelling place") was originally built to be a place where God could dwell among His people, the Israelites, as they journeyed through the desert. During the day it would be covered by a cloud, and by night there was a fire in it to show God's presence and protection.
However, this post isn't to discuss those aspects of the Tabernacle, but rather to discuss a comparison.
Previously I mentioned how the Tabernacle was designed as a place where God could dwell among His people. In scripture, God commanded the Israelites to create it in a specific way, with specific objects, such as different elements like silver, gold, and bronze, along with various linens, etc. Just read through some of the chapters in Exodus and you'll see how extensive the details were! He did not just let the Israelites throw together some simple hut and assume God would want to dwell in it. No, rather, He told them the exact measurements and items to use for its creation.
We know, through scripture, that when we are saved by God, and become followers of Jesus, the Holy Spirit automatically and instantly is within us.
"Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?"
1 Corinthians 3:16
"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?"
1 Corinthians 6:19
What if I said your heart is almost like a tabernacle for the dwelling of the Holy Spirit?
Would you say that you've tried to create a little, shabby hut for the Holy Spirit?
Or are you allowing and asking God to transform your heart to make it more like the Tabernacle, a place that is beautiful and constantly seeking to be holy and blameless before God?
Note: Just to clarify, the Holy Spirit will not leave you if your heart isn't "good enough" or if you have areas to work on. Once you become saved by God, you are always saved. My main point was to encourage and motivate followers of Christ to continually be working on making their heart and mind more pleasing to Christ.
P.S. Wouldn't that be a sweet band name (Hearts like the Tabernacle)? Just my opinion... ;)
This is sooooo beautiful. Praise God you made this page and actually I've been studying Exodus so that was kind of cool how I found this. Keep it up.