
Some bloopers/outtakes...

Yeah, so. It took me quite a bit of time to make my video. (CLICK HERE TO SEE THE ORIGINAL!)
I'm really, honestly, not a perfectionist, but I have a habit of practicing a lot... though most of what I said is improv. Every video I took I added something.. and then just added all the good parts together for the final, woop woop.

Side note: The last clip was actually one of the first ones I took. So, it wasn't a set-up... though I thought it was pretty epic... :P

Other side note: Don't mind the 50 outfit changes, they were taken over a course of 2-3 days.

Yet another side note: THIS IS FOR YOU EMILY <3

ANOTHER FLIPPIN' SIDE NOTE: The song is These Things Take Time by Sanctus Real
Note of the side: Yes, this is about as real as I get, so if you find me semi-weird, might as well get used to it. :) Besides, I prefer to think of myself as.... special! :D

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If you would like to contact me directly, then feel free to email me at: beautifullyselfless@yahoo.com