Aside from walking into a garbage dumpster lid, getting a bloody nose, losing a few tears and having a lovely red mark on my nose, my day at work went fairly well I'd say. :) I was doing a familiar routine outside of changing trash, and other little jobs, thinking about what wonderful thing I could write about on my blog. Some profound truth of God's that could make at least one person's life more joyful.
I love epiphany's! I mean like when that great thought hits you and you feel brilliant. Yeah, you know what I mean. :)
I love epiphany's! I mean like when that great thought hits you and you feel brilliant. Yeah, you know what I mean. :)
See, I work at a place that sells gas, (but it's much more than a gas station), and so cars are constantly coming and going. As I did my work, an idea struck me.
Have you ever realized God is like a GPS? You know, a Global Positioning System. Those lovely little things in a person's car that directs them to so many places, and usually talks with an incredible British accent (or even better, a Darth Vader voice!).
Have you ever realized God is like a GPS? You know, a Global Positioning System. Those lovely little things in a person's car that directs them to so many places, and usually talks with an incredible British accent (or even better, a Darth Vader voice!).
To be more serious, how many of us have gone down the wrong road (symbolically)? Or perhaps made a mistake or "wrong turn"? I can definitely say I have, many times. Sometimes we feel like our turns (choices) were onto roads that turn into dead ends (mistakes), and we're stuck where we are.
But as followers of Jesus, there really are no dead ends. Sure, there are roads that are dark and unwise to turn onto, but if we truly are filled with the Holy Spirit and know Jesus, eventually I believe we would come to a point of repentance and faith, where we would long to get off that path and onto one that is pleasing to Jesus.
Do you ever feel like you're at a dead end? Do you ever feel like you're stuck on a dark path, that you've lost your way and can't find your way back?
Do you ever feel like you're at a dead end? Do you ever feel like you're stuck on a dark path, that you've lost your way and can't find your way back?
Well that's the great thing about GPS's. They can always recalculate a new route for you. You make a wrong turn, and they easily can fix it. When I thought about it, I realized God kind of does the same.
Right now, our aim is to live a life pleasing to Jesus and to keep trekking along until our day of perfection, or when we die and are made new and are able to be with Jesus. That is our destination, and currently we are on a path towards it.
Have you stumbled off on another tangent path? Let me remind you, as an encouragement, that your path can always be "recalculated" by God, so that, even though you went down a wrong path, you can be redirected towards the right one, and you can get back on track. Even if you make mistakes or poor choices, God can and will give you direction if your heart is fully seeking it.
There have been some moments when I drifted away from God's path for me. I went down roads that I shouldn't have. I made choices that I wish I hadn't. But in the end, God never left me and in fact, was there all along, pleading to my heart to turn to Him and follow His way instead. With time, He has "redirected" me to a greater path, one that I enjoy much better than any other ones I ventured onto. Though I may have felt guilt and unforgiving to myself, I have found forgiveness and love in my Savior's name. You can too. :)
I encourage you to search your heart and see what path you're currently walking on. Is it pleasing to Jesus? Are you truly following Him as you might say? If not, I highly encourage you to seek Him out and reconsider your current path. If your plea is genuine and honest, there is no doubt that God will work it out and direct you to His path, which may still be difficult but will be so much more fulfilling and joyful! The path you're on, if wrong, can always be "recalculated" by the power of Jesus!
There have been some moments when I drifted away from God's path for me. I went down roads that I shouldn't have. I made choices that I wish I hadn't. But in the end, God never left me and in fact, was there all along, pleading to my heart to turn to Him and follow His way instead. With time, He has "redirected" me to a greater path, one that I enjoy much better than any other ones I ventured onto. Though I may have felt guilt and unforgiving to myself, I have found forgiveness and love in my Savior's name. You can too. :)
I encourage you to search your heart and see what path you're currently walking on. Is it pleasing to Jesus? Are you truly following Him as you might say? If not, I highly encourage you to seek Him out and reconsider your current path. If your plea is genuine and honest, there is no doubt that God will work it out and direct you to His path, which may still be difficult but will be so much more fulfilling and joyful! The path you're on, if wrong, can always be "recalculated" by the power of Jesus!
1 John 1:9
"Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea."
Micah 7:18-19
Micah 7:18-19
Hey! This is a great blog! Keep writing for the glory of God. For real...great pictures too. ;)
ReplyDeleteHey there Ashley! I'm flattered, haha! :) Why thank ya!
ReplyDeleteI will try my best! I sure do love writing about and for God.. :)
I was checking our your Striving For A Crown blog and it looks AWESOME! I love the P31W posts, what a great idea and thing to write about! I'm sure God will use you to tremendously bless girls through its message. You just earned yourself your 36th follower... :)
ReplyDeleteYeah. I'm a grammar nazi. What else is new. Haha!
AW! THANKS! Btw, I read your about me page and I was saying, "ME TOO!" the whole time. *laughs* We would get along.
ReplyDeleteAwwww hahaha, wow. That's awesome. It must have been Providence! Why are all the cool people so far away!?
ReplyDeleteP.S. I was looking through your "About Me" as well and you're right - we really do have a lot in common! Hahaha. I loved the bright colored yet non-matching clothing one... awwwwesome! Hahaha. I can dig that. :)
I'm glad we've gotten acquainted with each other! Out of curiosity, how'd you find my blog anyway?
*struts* Ah, you think I'm cool?
ReplyDeleteThanks! I really do have my own style but I love it!
I found it through followers of followers. That thing. I've found that I can build my community if I follow and encourage other people.