
What if it was just you and God? (Vlog!)

It's been a while!


  1. You're so beautiful and amazing! I love you!!! Great message! Hope you're doing well! Praying for you!

  2. Hmm, I never though of that. Adam knew God and God knew Adam... It makes me question why didn't He stand up for God with the apple incident. Oh well, we need the Lord for sure. His intimacy is all I long for

  3. Laura,
    You are so encouraging. :) I love you and miss you. :( I wish you lived closer so we could get together and chat and share life! I'm so glad to have you as a sister in Christ. <3

    A girl with a smile,
    Ironically, we had a brief discussion about this in Sunday school this morning. You notice neither Adam or Eve went to God when they were being tempted, and I think it just shows the weakness of humans in general. I mean, while they were perfect they were still human. Think of us, many times when we are tempted or have a struggle, do we automatically turn to God? Not so much!
    I'm glad it provoked some thought... that was exactly my goal! :) And YES we do need Him, because He is all we truly have after everything is taken away. I am with you there, girl! Thanks for the comment.. I am encouraged! :)


  4. I love this vlog. Simple concept/Mindblowing concept. Something deep to muse over tonight. Thanks for the cool insight. It's so easy to feel like "I'm just one of 7 billion people. I'm not very important", but this was a great reminder that God cares enough to have a one-on-one relationship with us.

  5. I'm so glad that you enjoyed it! :) I KNOW! It really is a neat thing... God is good. :) I recently stumbled across a quote from A.W. Tozer which I think perfectly sums up my vlog:

    “An infinite God can give all of Himself to each of His children. He does not distribute Himself that each may have a part, but to each one He gives all of Himself as fully as if there were no others.”

    Thanks for the comment Gabrielle :)



Please leave me your thoughts, I love to read them! :)

If you would like to contact me directly, then feel free to email me at: beautifullyselfless@yahoo.com