I compiled a list of some great goals for the upcoming 2011! These are goals which I mainly set for myself to work on, perhaps you can share in some of them, or even make some of your own! :)
I will go outside of my comfort zone.
Often times, we get stuck in our comfortable spot instead of reaching out to others. I can definitely say I struggle with this at times but in 2011, I resolve to go outside of my comfort zone more often no matter what environment I'm in - home, work, or church!
Often times, we get stuck in our comfortable spot instead of reaching out to others. I can definitely say I struggle with this at times but in 2011, I resolve to go outside of my comfort zone more often no matter what environment I'm in - home, work, or church!
I will depend more on God.
You can never go wrong with more dependency on God! In 2011, I resolve to depend less on myself and instead, depend fully on God!
I will be more selfless.
The name of my blog, obviously, is "Beautifully Selfless". It revolves around the idea of being completely selfless for Christ by dying to self! In 2011, I resolve to be more selfless and rather than thinking of myself, I will think more upon Christ and others' needs.
I will complain less, even mentally.
I don't complain too much generally speaking, but I know mentally and my inward attitude at times can be one that could be considered complaining! In 2011, I resolve to work on this so that even my inward attitude may be one that is positive and pleasing to God!
I will praise God, no matter what the day brings.
It can be very easy to forget to praise God in the hard times, uncertain times, or fearful times. In 2011, I resolve to praise God no matter what happens on any given day--because He is a good God and is worthy of my praise!
I will pray more.
The Bible teaches to pray without ceasing. In 2011, I resolve to work at this truth and to spend more time in prayer with God, whether in be in my own quiet time or even if I'm at work.
I hope you enjoyed these goals! They are only a few but I encourage you to think about some of the things you personally struggle with and resolve to work on them for your own spiritual growth and well being! :)
For other goals that you may need to work on, Lies Young Women Believe blog is listing a total of 21 New Year Resolutions for 2011. Check them out here!
(Those are only 5 of them, by clicking on "Blog" at the top, you can return to the homepage and click the other blog archive links which will lead to more goals they have posted).
Also, I have made it one of my goals this year to read through the entire Bible! I'm excited to begin this challenge! I have tried it once before which wasn't 100% successful but I did read through most of the Bible. I highly encourage you to take this up as one of your goals! It will be an incredible journey if you and you won't believe how much you'll learn about God through His word!